Foster Care
Open Your Home & Your Heart to Foster Parenting.
Are you ready to make a meaningful difference in a child's life?
Citrus Health Network is seeking caring individuals like you to become foster parents. If you're committed to providing love, support, and a nurturing home, we invite you to join our foster care program.
For more information, contact us at:
(305) 424-3072
We're looking for people who:
Love and nurture children in their homes
Collaborate with everyone involved in the child's life to meet their needs
Are dedicated to helping children be reunified with their biological families
Are at least 24 years old
Attend required training sessions
Can financially support present needs and family emergencies
Consent to criminal and child abuse registry checks
Pass a health inspection of their home
Have enough physical space to accommodate children
Are willing to undergo an in-depth home study with a licensing counselor to determine eligibility
Steps to Becoming a Foster Parent:
Complete the Citrus Health Network Registration Form.
Attend the initial Foster Parent orientation.
Proceed with the full application and training process.
Therapeutic Foster Homes:
These foster homes are specifically designed to provide care for children with certain behavioral or emotional needs. Foster families in therapeutic homes undergo specialized training to ensure they can meet the unique challenges of caring for such children. The focus here is on providing targeted support and attention, both to the children and the caregivers. These homes typically accommodate a maximum of two children to ensure individualized care.
We’re here for you.
Support & Benefits:
As part of our foster care program, you'll receive comprehensive support services from Citrus Health Network. Our team provides in-home mental health services, including therapy and case management. Additionally, we offer access to psychiatry, pediatrics, and other medical services as needed.
The CHANCE Program
The Citrus Helping Adolescents Negatively Impacted by Commercial Exploitation (CHANCE) Program is a Specialized Therapeutic Foster Care and Community Response Team for survivors of Human Trafficking & Commercial Sexual Exploitation. CHANCE addresses the emotional and behavioral issues in the home, school, and community environments for survivors of commercial sexual exploitation.
If you think you know a child who may be affected by Human Trafficking or Commercial Sexual Exploitation, call, The CHANCE Program at: (305) 424-3031.